List of former Nazi Party members

National Socialist German Workers' Party
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
Leader Anton Drexler
Adolf Hitler
Founded 1919
Dissolved 1945
Preceded by German Workers' Party (DAP)
Succeeded by None; Banned
Ideologies continued with Neo-nazism
Newspaper Völkischer Beobachter
Youth wing Hitler Youth
Membership Less than 60
(in 1920)
8.5 million
(by 1945)
Ideology National Socialism,
Political position Far right
Official colors Black, White, Red, Brown
Politics of Germany
Political parties

The list of notable people who were at some point members of the Nazi Party, before it was declared illegal and disbanded upon the victory of the Allies. After 1945 many former party members had to go through a process of denazification and some were indicted and convicted at the Nuremberg Trials, or other trials, notably for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Many others evaded capture or managed to escape, in particular with the help of the ODESSA organization. In the mid-1950s, most people convicted during these trials were given amnesty and subsequently released.

Some former party members managed to obtain very important positions in West Germany after the war (e.g. Kurt Georg Kiesinger, Chancellor of West Germany from 1966 to 1969), others were recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency after the war as part of the Gehlen Organization, predecessor of the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND). In East Germany, the Stasi, the GDR's intelligence service, was alleged to have employed several chief informers and agents who were former SS and Gestapo operatives.[1]



Name Year Joined Resigned/ expelled (when) Membership no. Local Division Year of Birth Year of Death Convicted (when)[note 1] Party related information
Feder, Gottfried N/A (Founder) No ? ? 1883 1941 No Founding member
Hitler, Adolf 1920 No 555 (55 in actuality)[2] Munich 1889 1945 No Party leader
Dietl, Eduard 1919 (DAP) No[note 2] ? Munich 1890 1944 No
Borman, Martin 1925 No ? Thuringia 1900 1945 Yes (1945) Chief of the Parteikanzlei since 1941
Dönitz, Karl 1944 (honorary)[3] N/A ? ? 1891 1980 Yes (1946) President of the German Reich
Frank, Hans 1919 (DAP) No ? ? 1900 1946 Yes (1946) Served as the party's lawyer
Fritzsche, Hans 1933 No ? ? 1900 1953 No Ministerialdirektor Ministry for Popular Enlightenment and Propaganda
Frick, Wilhelm 1925 No ? ? 1877 1946 Yes (1946) Minister of the Interior
Funk, Walther 1931 No ? ? 1890 1960 Yes (1946) Minister of Economics
Göring, Hermann 1922 No ? ? 1893 1946 Yes (1946) Minister of Aviation; Minister of Forestry
Hess, Rudolf 1920 No ? Munich 1894 1987 Yes (1946) Deputy party leader
Kaltenbrunner, Ernst 1930 No ? Austria 1903 1946 Yes (1946) Director of the Reich Main Security Office; SS general
Keitel, Wilhelm 1944 (honorary) No ? N/A 1882 1946 Yes (1946) Supreme commander of armed forces
Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, Gustav 1940 (honorary) N/A ? ? 1870 1950 No Party financier
Ley, Robert 1924 No ? Rheinland-Süd 1890 1945 No Head of German Labour Front
Neurath, Konstantin von 1937 No ? ? 1873 1956 Yes (1946) Minister of Foreign Affairs
Papen, Franz von 1938 (honorary) N/A ? ? 1879 1969 No Vice-Chancellor of Germany
Ribbentrop, Joachim von 1938 (honorary) No 1,199,927 ? 1893 1946 Yes (1946) Minister of Foreign Affairs
Rosenberg, Alfred 1919 (DAP) No ? ? 1893 1946 Yes (1946) Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories
Sauckel, Fritz 1923 No 1,395 Schweinfurt 1894 1946 Yes (1946) Gauleiter of Thuringia; Reichsstatthalter of Thuringia
Schacht, Hjalmar 1938 (honorary) N/A 3,805,230 N/A 1877 1970 No Minister of Economics
Schirach, Baldur von 1925 No ? ? 1907 1970 Yes (1946) Reichsjugendführer; Gauleiter of Vienna
Seyss-Inquart, Arthur 1938 No ? ? 1892 1946 Yes (1946) Foreign Minister of Germany; Reichskommissar of the Netherlands
Speer, Albert 1931 No 474,481 ? 1905 1981 Yes (1946) Minister of Armaments and War Production
Streicher, Julius 1919 No ? Nuremberg 1885 1946 Yes (1946) Gauleiter of Franconia
Blome, Kurt 1922 No ? ? 1894 1969 No Deputy Leader of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Ärztebund
Fischer, Fritz 1937 No ? ? 1912 2003 Yes (1947) SS member; Waffen SS officer
Beiglböck, Wilhelm 1932 No ? ? 1905 1963 Yes (1947) SA member; SS officer
Genzken, Karl 1926 No 39,913 ? 1885 1957 Yes (1947) Waffen SS general
Oberheuser, Herta 1937 No ? ? 1911 1987 Yes (1947)
Poppendick, Helmut 1932 No 998,607 ? 1902 1994 No Senior SS officer; Head of Office for genealogy at RuSHA
Rose, Gerhard 1930 No[note 3] 346,161 ? 1896 1992 Yes (1947)
Rostock, Paul 1937 No 5,917,621 ? 1892 1956 No Commissioner for Health and Sanitation
Brack, Viktor 1929 No 173,388 ? 1904 1948 Yes (1947) Senior SS officer; Senior Waffen SS officer; Chief Administrative Officer in the Chancellery of the Führer
Brandt, Karl 1928 No 1,009,617 ? 1904 1948 Yes (1947) SA officer; SS general; Waffen SS general; Commissioner for Health and Sanitation
Brandt, Rudolf 1932 No 1,331,536 ? 1909 1948 Yes (1947) Senior SS officer; Ministerial Counsellor Ministry of Interior; Chief of Ministerial Office Ministry of Interior
Gebhardt, Karl 1933 No  ? ? 1897 1948 Yes (1947) SS general; Waffen SS general
Hoven, Waldemar 1937 No  ? ? 1903 1948 Yes (1947) SS officer; Waffen SS officer;
Mrugowsky, Joachim 1937 No 210,049 ? 1905 1948 Yes (1947) SA member; Senior SS officer; Senior Waffen SS officer;
Sievers, Wolfram 1937 No ? ? 1905 1948 Yes (1947) Senior SS officer
Milch, Erhard 1937 (honorary) N/A ? ? 1892 1972 Yes (1947) Secretary of State Ministry of Aviation
Altstötter, Josef 1937[4] No[note 4] 5,823,836 ? 1892 1979 No SA member; Senior SS officer; Chief of civil law and procedure division at Ministry of Justice; Golden Party Badge
Schlegelberger, Franz 1938 (honorary) N/A ? ? 1876 1970 Yes (1947) Minister of Justice
Pohl, Oswald 1922/26 No 30,842 ? 1892 1956 Yes (1947) Leader of local division Swinemünde; head of WVHA; SA member; Waffen SS general
Frank, August 1932 No 1,471,185 ? 1898 1984 Yes (1947) Deputy head of WVHA; SS general ; Waffen SS general
Lörner, Georg 1931 No 676,772 ? 1899 1959 Yes (1947) Deputy head of WVHA; SS general ; Waffen SS general
Six, Franz ? ? ? ? 1909 1965 ? Waffen SS general; SD member
Flick, Friedrich ? ? ? ? 1883 1972 ?
Wilhelm, Adam 1923 Yes (1929) ? ? 1899 1959 ?
Rauschning, Hermann 1933 Yes (1934) ? ? 1887 1982 ?
Strasser, Otto 1925 Yes (1930) ? ? 1897 1974 ?
Ewald, Manfred ? ? ? ? 1926 2002 ?
Wagner, Gustav ? ? ? ? 1911 1980 ?
Steinbrinck, Otto ? ? ? ? 1888 1949 No SS general
Rendulic, Lothar 1944 (honorary) N/A ? ? 1887 1971 Yes (1948)
Werner, Lorenz 1929 ? ? ? 1891 1974 Yes (1948) SS general; Golden Nazi Party Badge
Hofmann, Otto 1923 ? 145 729 ? 1896 1982 Yes (1948) SS general
Weizsäcker, Ernst von 1938 ? ? ? 1882 1951 ? SS general; Secretary of State at the Foreign Office; Ambassador to the Holy See
Abb, Gustav[5] ? ? ? ? 1886 1945 ? ?
Abel, Wolfgang[6] ? ? ? ? 1905 1997 ? ?
Abetz, Otto[7] ? ? ? ? 1903 1958 ? ?
Abicht, Albert[8] ? ? ? ? 1893 1973 ? ?
Abromeit, Franz[9] ? ? ? ? 1907 1964 ? ?
Abt, Karl Ferdinand[10] ? ? ? ? 1903 1945 ? ?
Achamer-Pifrader, Humbert[11] ? ? ? ? 1900 1945 ? ?
Achenbach, E ? ? ? ? 1909 1991 ? ?
Achterberg, Eberhard[12] ? ? ? ? 1910 1983 ? ?
Ackermann, Eberhard[13] ? ? ? ? 1905 1997 ? ?
Adam , Karl[14] ? ? ? ? 1876 1966 ? ?
Adam, Wilhelm[15] ? ? ? ? 1893 1978 ? ?
Ahl, Ernst[16] ? ? ? ? 1898 1945 ? ?
Albach-Retty, Wolf[17] ? ? ? ? 1906 1967 ? ?
Albrecht, Herbert[18] ? ? ? ? 1900 1945 ? ?
Alquen, Gunter d'[19] 1927 No ? ? 1910 1998 ? SA member; senior SS officer; Party Youth Leader
Altenburg, Günther[20] ? ? ? ? 1894 1984 ? ?
Altfuldisch, Johann ? ? ? ? 1911 1947 ? ?
Altner, Georg[21] ? ? ? ? 1901 1945 ? ?
Alvensleben, Ludolf-Hermann von[22] ? ? ? ? 1901 1970 ? ?
Aly, Wolfgang[23] ? ? ? ? 1881 1962 Philogist
Amann, Max[24] 1921 No 3 ? 1891 1957 SS general
Ambros, Otto[25] ? ? ? ? 1901 1990 German chemist
Appler, Johann[26] ? ? ? 1892 1978 Reichstag
Arent, Benno von[27] 1932 No ? ? 1898 1956 ? SS officer; Waffen SS general;
Astel, Karl[28] ? ? ? ? 1898 1945 ? ?
Auerswald, Heinz[29] ? ? ? ? 1908 1970 ? ?
Augsberger, Franz[30] ? ? ? ? 1905 1945 ? ?
Prince August Wilhelm of Prussia[31] ? ? ? ? 1887 1949 ? ?
Aumeier, Hans[32] ? ? ? ? 1906 1948 ? ?
Aust, Hans Walter[33] ? ? ? ? 1900 ? ? ?
Axmann, Artur[34] 1931 No ? ? 1913 1996 ? Reichsjugendführer; Reichsleiter; member of Reichstag; leader of Reichsberufswettkampf

See also


  1. ^ Convicted by a court of law or international tribunal for crimes against humanity, war crimes or atrocities.
  2. ^ Eduard Dietl's party membership became legally dormant in 1920, when he became a member of the armed forces.
  3. ^ Gerhard Rose's party membership became legally dormant in 1939, when he became a member of the armed forces.
  4. ^ Josef's party membership became legally dormant between 1939 and 1942, when he was a member of the armed forces.


  1. ^ Book Claims Stasi Employed Nazis as Spies, Deutsche Welle, 31.10.2005
  2. ^ "Helped into Power". [The Nazis: A Warning From History]. 1997. No. 1, season 1.
  3. ^ "On 30 January 1944, Dönitz received from the Führer, as a decoration, the Golden Party Badge; Dönitz would later assume that he "thereby became an honorary member of the Party." The Avalon Project at Yale Law School
  4. ^
  5. ^ Klee (2007), p. 9
  6. ^ Lusane, Clarence (2002). Hitler's Black Victims: The Historical Experience of Afro-Germans, European Blacks, Africans and African Americans in the Nazi Era (Cross Currents in African American History) Routledge. ISBN 978-0415932950
  7. ^ Pierre Lazareff, Deadline – The Behind the Scenes Story of the Last Decade in France, Read Books, 2007
  8. ^ Bundesarchive
  9. ^ Manfred Lahnstein: Massel und Chupze; Hoffmann und Campe, ISBN 978-3-455-09424-4
  10. ^ Hans-Georg Ruppel and Birgit Groß, Hessische Abgeordnete 1820–1933, Darmstadt 1980, ISBN 3-922316-14X, Seite 53
  11. ^ Klee (2005), p. 10.
  12. ^ Christine Koch: Das Bibliothekswesen im Nationalsozialismus: eine Forschungsstandanalyse. Tectum Verlag 2003, S. 14.
  13. ^ Śegev, Tom. The Commanders of Nazi Concentration Camp, Volume 1977, Part 1. p. 19. 
  14. ^ "Karl Adam, National Socialism and Christian Tradition" Robert A. Krieg, Theological Studies, Vol. 60, 1999
  15. ^ Wistrich, p.3
  16. ^ Kraig Adler, Contributions to the History of Herpetology, Volume 2, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, 2007, p. 156
  17. ^ Harry Waldman, Nazi Films in America, McFarland, 2008, p. 45
  18. ^ Herbert Arthur Strauss, Hostages of Modernization: Studies on Modern Antisemitism, 1870-1933/39, Walter de Gruyter, 1993, p. 194
  19. ^ Gerald D. Feldman, Allianz and the German Insurance Business, 1933–1945, Cambridge University Press, 2001, p. 171
  20. ^ Reinhard R. Doerries, Hitler's Last Chief of Foreign Intelligence: Allied Interrogations of Walter Schellenberg, Routledge, 2003, p. 370
  21. ^
  22. ^ Andreas Schulz, Günter Wegmann: Die Generale der Waffen-SS und der Polizei. Band 1, Biblio-Verlag, Bissendorf, 2003. ISBN 3-7648-2373-9
  23. ^ Jürgen Malitz: Klassische Philologie, in: Eckhard Wirbelauer (Hrsg.): Die Freiburger Philosophische Fakultät 1920–1960. Mitglieder – Strukturen – Vernetzungen, Freiburg/München 2006, S. 307
  24. ^ Wistrich, p.4
  25. ^ Wollheim Memorial
  26. ^ Provinz zwischen Reich und Republik
  27. ^ matthew Wilson Smith, The Total Work of Art: From Bayreuth to Cyberspace, Taylor & Francis, 2007, p. 101
  28. ^ Anne Harrington, Reenchanted Science: Holism in German Culture from Wilhelm II to Hitler, Princeton University Press, 1999, p. 195
  29. ^ Emanuel Ringelblum, Joseph Kermish, Shmuel Krakowski, Polish-Jewish Relations During the Second World War, Northwestern University Press, 1992, p. 60
  30. ^ Chris Bishop, SS: Hitler's Foreign Divisions: Foreign Volunteers in the Waffen SS, 1940–1945, Spellmount, 2005, p. 131
  31. ^ Roderick Stackelberg, The Routledge Companion to Nazi Germany, Taylor & Francis, 2007, p. 277
  32. ^ Jeremy Dixon, Commanders of Auschwitz: The SS Officers who ran the Largest Nazi Concentration Camp 1940–1945, Schiffer Military History: Atglen, PA , 2005
  33. ^ Ehemalige Nationalsozialisten in Pankows Diensten, S. 6
  34. ^ Wistrich, p.5